Happy Healadays

We’ve floated by Halloween- with fortune tellers reading to delight- and on towards Thanksgiving where there’s so much to be grateful for this year.

Today we’re grateful for the most recent renovation that you might have noticed us working on around Healing One. This week’s renovation work gave us bigger hallways, new flooring that’s more salt-friendly, and an amazing new lounge. We know your time at our center isn’t limited to your session floating or with a therapist so we built you space to relax, enjoy tea, and hang out together before and after your sessions.

Chill Lounge.png

In addition to the new chill lounge and upgraded flooring, we’re now working on installation of a new infrared sauna room and a fourth float suite where the previous infrared sauna was located in our center. We can’t wait to share the new rooms with you!

We’re also facing the reality that it’s time to raise prices (Hear more about that decision from Chaz HERE). Price increases aren’t something we ever want to do , but we want to take better and better care of our employees and as we’ve grown so have the costs of running Healing One so it’s time. Before prices change we want to make sure our current and former guests have a chance to not only lock in the current prices but celebrate how far we’ve come together.

We want to be upfront about all our upcoming deals so you can make sure to get the service that’s right for you. Consider these deals the Yin to the 2020 price change’s Yang:

Deal 1) Gift Card Sale. Live now through the end of the year. Get a $120 gift card for $100 and give someone you love some healing. The gift card can be used towards any of our products or services by the person you give it to. Check out the Gift Card Deal HERE (look for “Holiday 2019 Gift Card Bonus”.)

Deal 2) Black Friday Floats. Mark your calendar for this one Reno. For 48 hours to celebrate Small Business Saturday we’ll be selling 90 minute floats for $40. These will be retailing for $90 so load up on them- they’re good for 2 years. Use Code “SBS19” at checkout to put as many 90 minute floats as you’d like on your account at this discounted rate. Float credits are good for 2 years.

Deal 3) Black Friday Massage and Energy Healing. To further celebrate with our Small Business Saturday deal, we’ll offer $25 off any of our 90 minute non-float services. Grab a 90 minute massage for $95 (vs $120) or a 90 minute energy healing session for $80 (vs $105). Use code “BF25” or give us a call to book.

Our Black Friday/Small Business Saturday deals will go live on 11/28 and disappear after 11/30 so don’t wait!

In December we’ll have two additional deals to help you gift your favorite people with healing. New Members will get a bonus float to gift to a friend, and our 3 packs of floats will become 4 packs with a free float to gift as well.

One more fun change: to give you additional options for scheduling at Healing One in 2020 we’ll be staggering start times between our rooms. With four float suites, we’ll have two floats starting at 10AM and the two others at 10:30AM (for example, and so forth throughout the day.) The same cadence will go with massages. We hope this makes it more convenient for you to come visit and heal.

Any questions? Let us know. Grab Those Deals!

Chaz Allen